The world is beautiful
“The world is beautiful, just look around you”. His voice,
though full of encouragement holds a hint of frustration just under the
surface. “ Why not come out and sit a while” she had been been sad for some time now.
She allows herself to
step outside into the velvet warm sunshine of a late summer’s afternoon
abandoning attempts to explain the
blinding gloom of the sadness in which she
is wrapped tight. A sadness, which turns her eyes inwards and away from
the world beyond the door.
They sit together, he wrapped up in a fleece for although
the sun is shining, the wind is keen and sitting in the shade of the house he feels
chilled. He talks to her about the bamboo which last year they both thought was dying but this year has sent out nine new shoots, and she listens
with only half an ear as her mind takes her
on a journey through her unhappiness. He
talks about his beloved trees that like miniature forests inhabit their yard
and she remembers the wood where
they used to walk before they came here.
He points out the tortoiseshell
butterfly that floats like tissue paper
over the buddleia before choosing instead
to land on the large pompom flowered hydrangea, and despite herself, she allows her eyes to follow it as it feeds on the sugary
liquid hidden within.
He offers her a rose,
picked from the climber by the back door and she inhales the exotic perfume of Turkish delight and musk
and her nose is dusted with the yellow pollen from its stigma making her sneeze
and then sneeze again.
She remembers the roses from her childhood with
petals that were picked to make perfume and the rose hip itches of Autumn walks
to school. She remembers the lazy green lawns filled with buttercups and making daisy chain crowns and dandelions that wept milk and she finds herself
smiling despite her need to be sad.
He wanders in to make tea and her eyes follow him as he goes wishing she had the words to explain her sadness to him as she knows in her
unhappiness, he is made unhappy too.
How does she explain
what she barely understands herself? Why
the early morning mist that promises sunshine later feels too precious to sleep
through? or the psychedelic prism of
the rainbow arcing across the gunmetal sky is a promise of sunshine somewhere? Or
that the falling leaves of Autumn give life to the earth below?
That because the bamboo defies death and the butterfly
knowing its life is short is undeterred in its flight, the world feels too
beautiful for her to see without
And yet, when she allows herself to look through his eyes, she
can sometimes see the beauty without any tears and feel her sadness lift. But
not today, despite the beautiful sunshine her sadness like a dark raincloud still
covers everything.
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